Monday, 2 June 2008

Photos of Site & Surrounding Area

Below: After a couple of days of heavy rainfall, the surface water on the proposed site is most evident. Photo taken on 29th May 2008

Below: On yet another part of the proposed site the water lying on the surface is quite deep ...
Photo also taken on 29th May 2008

Below: View over to Park Farm from the public right of way & proposed conveyor belt route.

Above: Photo of Rose Cottage, Northmoor, taken just a few paces from where the one presented by the Minerals Officer to the Planning meeting on 19th May 2008 was taken. It demonstrates how clearly the house can be seen from the footpath, unlike the photo shown to the Planning Committee which showed only the road.

Above: Photo taken in January 2007 looking in a north-westerly direction towards
Park Lodge diagonally across the proposed conveyor route, illustrating the significant amount of surface water in winter.

Above: Flooding looking west over Park Farm in July 2007. The water snaking through the field on the left is where a dry dig is proposed. Had the bund had been in place in 2007, all that flood water would have been diverted towards our houses.

All photos kindly sent in by local residents.

For an aerial view of Stonehenge Farm, click on the link below:

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