Tuesday 27 May 2008


* Write to Rt Hon David Cameron MP, our local MP
* Write to our local Councillors nearer the date of the meeting (See full list on the OCC website)
* Contribute to the Oxford Times, Oxford Mail & Witney Gazette blogs (see links in post below)
* Contribute directly to this blog or email me (emma.hare.uk@googlemail.com) with any comments which I will post up for you
* Attend the Planning Meeting on the afternoon of 21st July

1 comment:

Mike Newman said...

My activity since the illegal ruling at the OCC Planning Committee on 19th May has been to email, twice, OCC's CEO and once to the Chairman of the Planning committee, essentially asking for their comments on what I believe was an illegal decision to defer the vote - the committee clearly voted against the application. I have had no reply from either so I emailed Keith Mitchell asking for his opinion of the Mugabe style decision and I received a very brief, curt, email back saying he had passed my email to OCC's solicitor for comment.

I believe that if, as I suspect, we receive no reply from OCC before the next meeting that someone from the audience must ask for clarification prior to the start of the next meeting otherwise there could be the same delayed result if too many councillors give the 'wrong' decision again and vote against the application.