o the effects of noise
o the effects of dust
o the effects of visual intrusion on the amenity of the local area
o the cumulative effects of sand and gravel working in the area
o the impact on public rights of way
o concerns about traffic
o concerns about flooding
o concerns about ground water
o impacts on ecology
o impacts on archaeology
o the effect on the landscape
Annex 3 is however more specific and cites many more reasons for local opposition to the application. During the 2007 Consultation period these included:
- Flooding/Adverse impact on groundwater
- Noise Pollution
- Cumulative impact on the area
- Increase in traffic on local roads
- Damage to landscape character
- Impact on rights of way and access
- Dust Nuisance
- Impact on archaeology
- Impact on wildlife
- Impact on horse riding – disturbance from noise and conveyor
- Development should not be described as an extension
- Does not comply with planning policies
- Impact on Northmoor Conservation Area
- Loss of farmland
- Creation of an industrial wasteland
- Danger to children
- Hedge removal
- Proximity of development to residential dwellings
- Development would set a precedent
- The path next to the conveyor will be dangerous
- The conveyor crossing under the road is unacceptable
- Lack of communication and information from the applicant
- Effect on property values
- Inadequate restoration proposals
- Loss of woodland
- Mud on the road
- Impact on tourism
- Routeing agreement has been ignored
- Noise or dust from the conveyor
- Impact of conveyor on scheduled ancient monument
- Wetland restoration would have an impact on the climate
During the 2008 Consultation period, following the submission of additional information and the revised Environmental Statement (ES), these included:
- Cumulative impact on the area/Too many lakes in area
- Impact on rights of way and access
- Damage to landscape character
- Noise
- Dust Nuisance
- Impact on Northmoor Conservation Area
- Disturbance from the conveyor including noise and impact on bridleway.
- Impact on archaeology
- Impact on wells
- Impact on ecology
- Afteruse not satisfactory/appropriate
- Disturbance to beauty/peace of area
- Traffic
- Destruction of woodland
- Routeing agreement has been ignored
- Lack of public access to restored site
- The access is a dangerous road junction
- Impact on water quality in rivers
- Development may cause adjacent farmland to become virtually unfarmable
- Damage to local roads from gravel lorries
The WODC Environmental Health Officer has requested conditions to cover dust, noise & domestic water supplies.
Northmoor Parish Council has objected.
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