Thursday, 4 September 2008

Daily Telegraph - 30th August 2008

Growing flood risks

Sir - I recently attended a meeting called by the Environment Agency to discuss the final draft of the North Essex Catchment Flood Management Plan. It covers the maintenance of watercourses on nearly 750,000 acres of farmland, through 14 towns and innumerable villages.

After four years' work on the project the agency gave one week's written notice of a meeting. The 600-page report arrived one working day beforehand. Present were the contractor, three agency staff, three professional environmentalists and one member of the public (myself) to represent the views of the 2,504 homes and 400 plus businesses at risk from river flooding.

In all areas, apart from three towns, we have been told to expect an increased risk of flooding.

If I were Ken Wilkins (Letters, August 28th), I would not rely on the Environment Agency unless I was a water vole or great crested newt.

Andrew St Joseph
Tollesbury, Essex

Letter published 30th August 2008

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